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blinded by "love"

fear & shame

You are afraid; afraid for yourself and the safety of your children. You feel ashamed. You worry about what others would think and say about you if they knew what you are enduring. To you, telling someone would mean betrayal. You feel guilty at the thought of leaving - afterall, he seems extremely regretful after the beatings. You tell yourself he must really love you if he feels bad afterwards; and that gives you hope.   hing

denying the truth

You ignore all of the signs - his roaming eyes, flirting with other women, disappearing acts or inconsistent interaction with you, and his unwillingness to state what his intentions are regarding a future with you. You satisfy him sexually, and that does gives you confidence, but you can't seem to satisfy him enough to get a real commitment from him, and that begins to affect how you feel about yourself. You wonder what is wrong with you and what it is about you that is keeping him from committing to only you. You can't come up with an explanation. He won't give you an explanation.erega


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You are blinded by your love for a man whose actions don't match his words. You put forth a lot of effort trying to win his heart.There are other women, but you hang onto the hope that one day, he will realize your value and commit to only you. You are confused, frustrated, and lack the will power and strength to let go.    ener

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